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Belt Length Calculator

Belt Length Calculator
Estimated Belt Length:
0 mm
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1. Motor Pulley Teeth

Enter the number of teeth on the motor pulley of your board.

2. Wheel Pulley Teeth

Enter the number of teeth on the wheel pulley of your board.

3. Center To Center

Measure the distance from the center of the motor pulley to the center of the wheel pulley.


Helpful Tip
If you are unable to measure the center-to-center distance, you can estimate it by working backwards. Enter the pulley teeth count as before, and then gradually increase the estimated center-to-center distance by 1 mm at a time until the calculated belt length matches the known belt length from a previous setup.

4. Reading Your Results

Once you obtain your belt length result, round it to the nearest multiple of 5. For example, a result of 266.5mm would be rounded to 265mm.

Known Center To Center Measurements

MBoards Endurance 1.0   -   69mm
MBoards Interstellar 2.0   -   69mm
MBoards Endurance 2.0  -   69mm
MBoards Matrix III Mount  -  105mm

Belt Length Calculator
Estimated Belt Length:
0 mm
Purchase Belt